Financial Advisors

Financial Planning

This heading covers a very wide spectrum of advice and has different connotations and applications for different people. Our recent spell of prosperity has spawned a range of marketing titles for this service including Wealth Management, Wealth Creation and Asset Management. In reality it is more about looking at your overall financial picture and getting it organised effectively using the help of qualified specialists.

We see the service as putting a structure in place for you, like a financial blueprint, which is reviewed, monitored and adjusted to suit your changing circumstances. In essence what we do for you is:

  • Identify where you are now, financially
  • Tease out where you want to go, and
  • Help you get there

As a consequence of our experience and skills we can piece together your financial jigsaw both in a realistic and an objective manner.

Here are some questions you may have pondered or you may need answered:

  • What would my personal balance sheet look like?
  • Is it healthy?
  • Where am I vulnerable?
  • Will I be able to retire early?
  • How much should I be putting into pensions?
  • Should I be doing
    AVCs? Addition Voluntary Contributions
  • Am I over insured or underinsured?
  • Am I using all my tax-breaks or claiming all my allowances?
  • Should I be switching my mortgage?
  • Am I getting the best out of my savings or investments?
  • Should I borrow to invest?
  • What would happen if I couldn't work?
  • How do I cater for major expenditures?
  • How can I get back on track?
  • What should I do with surplus income?
  • What should I consider when making a Will?
  • Should I buy an annuity or not?
  • How long will my fund last in retirement and how much should I draw?
  • What will Social Welfare do for me?
  • What if I have a serious illness?
  • What is Partnership insurance and do I need it?
  • What is Equity Release and does it make sense?
  • How will inheritance tax affect my children?
  • Am I getting good deals on financial products?

Getting advice will help - and that's where we come in - either fill in the request form or complete the in-depth questionnaire for a complete analysis.

In terms of the cost of the service there are a number of options open to you but they are all completely transparent. We can operate on

  • a fee basis (which may be once off, annual or monthly as you wish)
  • a fee reduced by commission arising from taking our recommendations
  • commission only, if you require specific investments/products rather than an overall plan

We believe, however, that deciding to take the first steps in getting financially organised is key and as such the initial exploratory meeting will not involve any cost commitment on your part.